Protologue Description: A. straminea, n. sp., planta humifusa, stolonibus foliosis perbrevibus vel paulo elongatis (ad 7 cm. longis); foliis basilaribus spathulatis subacutis vix mucronatis 5-12 mm. longis 2-4 mm. latis supra albidis tomento denso minutoque; caule florifero 3-14 cm. alto gracile remote folioso; foliis caulinis 8-10 linearibus 6-14 cm. longis 1-2 mm. latis, mediis attenuatis apice subulato fusco, superibus apice lineari scarioso; capitulis femineis 1-7 plerumque dense corymbosis hemisphaerico-campanulatis basi rotundatis; involucro 5.5-7 mm. alto 4.5-8 mm. lato (in specimine siccato); bracteis 4-6-seriatis valde imbricatis, exterioribus ovatis vel oblongis brunneis basi paulo lanatis apice tenue chartaceo stramineo obtuso vel subacuto, mediis oblongis apice deltiodeo obtuso vel subacuto stramineo, interioribus apice lanceolato eroso stramineo; achaeniis glabris; stylo flavescente deinde brunneo.
Plant humifuse, the leafy stolons very short or slightly elongated (up to 7 cm. long): leaves of the rosettes spatulate, subacute, barely mucronate, 5-12 mm. long, 2-4 mm. broad, whire above with dense fine tomentum: flowering stem 3-14 cm. high, slender, remotely leafy: cauline leaves 8-10, linear, 6-14 mm. long, 1-2 mm. wide; the median attenuate to a dark subulate tip; the upper with a linear scarious tip: pistillate heads 1-7, usually in a close corymb, hemispheric-campanulate, rounded at the base: involucre 5.5-7 mm. high, 4.5-8 mm. broad (in the dried specimen), with 4-6 series of very distinctly imbricated bracts: the outer bracts ovate or oblong, brown, slightly lanate at the base, with a thin chartaceous stramineous obtuse or subacute tip; the median oblong, with a deltoid obtuse or subacute stramineous tip; the inner with a lanceolate erose stramineous tip: achenes glabrous: style yellowish, becoming brown.-NEWFOUNDLAND: turfy and (calcareous) rocky crests, Twillingate, July 20, 1911, Fernald Wiegand & bartram, no. 6340 (TYPE in Gray Herb.); limestone barrens near sea-level, Point Riche, August 4, 1910, Fernald, Wiegand & Kittridge, no. 4140.

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